BAKING Brought to you by the Gus and Gia Puppet Show Cooking and baking are sometimes used interchangeably. Baking is a type of cooking wherein the cooking of flour based foods are placed under extensive heating. The preferred method of baking is an oven, however, there are some additional methods for baking food, minus an oven. Historically, the oven goes way back to the world's first oven approximately when it was 6500. This oven was discovered in the year 2014, in Croatia. The baking of bread started in Greece around 600 B.C. Some other pioneers in the world of baking were the Egyptians. Their historical mark is around 2600 B.C. They spearheaded the use of yeast in bread baking. The traditional picture of baking was set at home, and generally done by the women. They would be responsible for baking for the family. Men, however, would bake commercially in both restaurants and in bakeries. ...