Brought to you by the Gus and Gia Puppet Show
Greater than fifty percent of individuals under twenty-five years of age have experienced bullying at some point in their life. It is defined as seeking to cause harm, coercion or intimidation. It is more likely that those individuals that have a physical disability are more prone to experiencing bullying as opposed to those without a physical disability. While twenty percent of those surveyed experienced verbal bullying, five percent were subject to constant physical bullying. Another form of this behavior is social exclusion in which friends will purposely leave another friend out with the intention of hurting feelings. Typically, a result of receiving this behavior is the development of depression and social anxiety, and often more than one third of people experience this. And nearly a quarter of those recipients of bullying have thoughts of suicide.
The bullies themselves tend to be more likely to have recently experienced traumatic and stressful situations. In fact, fifty-eight percent have gone through the death of a relative. Almost seventy percent have admitted to provoking online abuse to another person. The recipients of cyberbullying were twenty-six percent of people in a year's span of time.
There are three top reasons why people receive bullying. The top reason is due to attitudes towards one’s appearance. The second reason is attitudes towards amusement or hobbies and the final top reason is opinions about clothing. The last two reasons are closely linked at second and third place. Despite these reasons, there is not a one-size-fits-all profile of a youth involved with bullying. Those that bully can be well-liked and popular among other youths or they can be belittled themselves, and even the victims of bullying by others.
It is crucial that the efforts of adults are both consistent and prompt. By doing this, they send a strong message that this behavior is unacceptable. Over time, it is shown that this bullying behavior is more likely to end. Among other adults, parents, the community and school staff, there needs to be more bullying prevention by creating a safer environment at schools, discussing bullying and the formation of a prevention strategy that is community-wide. It is also imperative that cyberbullying is understood and defined. By knowing what it is, ways to prevent it from happening and better responses to this type of bullying, everyone benefits. When the problem is approached from multiple angles, and the whole school community is involved in creating a strong culture of respect, there exists the most promise. Unfortunately, the weaker resolutions are expulsion and zero tolerance.
To see bullying and intervene can make a great impact. Adults that speak to children about this behavior can effectively help the situation. Their encouragement to children to pursue that which they love, seek help and their own positive modeling of respect and kindness, matters. Studies have shown this to be quite effective in the prevention of bullying.
are federal laws which are in place to fight this type of behavior. Sometimes this type of behavior meshes with
discriminatory harassment, and that is covered under the federal civil rights
laws. The schools need to be equipped
with a knowledgeable staff. They can be
instrumental in the enforcement of both policies and rules that lend clarity on
how students are to properly behave with one another. And recipients of bullying need to understand
that there are actions which can be taken to keep both yourself, and those around
you, protected from bullying.
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