PENGUINS Brought to you by Gus and Gia Puppet Show There are eighteen to twenty-one different species of these lovable flightless marine birds. One may not realize this, however, most of the species do not actually reside in Antarctica, but rather specifically on islands where they can breed, and between the latitudes of forty-five degrees and sixty degrees. Surprisingly, a few penguins actually live in more milder climate regions, and the Galapagos penguin can be found at the Equator. The penguin is known for its short legs, which has won them over with humans, globally. Their height is in the range of about fourteen inches and their weight is approximately two pounds, for the fairy, or blue penguin and about forty-five inches and ninety pounds for the emperor penguin. Their coat coloring tends to be black on their back, and white below. Oftentimes, there are lines of black that run across the upper chest area. Their head wi...